Wednesday 11 July 2018

Introduction of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is an emerging discipline of computer science. It deals with the concepts and methodologies required by computer to perform an intelligent activity. The spectrum of computer science is very wide and it enable the computer to handle almost every activity which human beings can

   Q1.  What is an artificial intelligence ?

A1. Artificial Intelligence is an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of machines  that work and react like humans. It is a computer control robot or software that think intelligently in a similar manner like human beings. Some of the activities computers with artificial intelligence are designed for include:

    1. Speech Recognition.
    2. Learning.
    3. Planning.
    4. Problem Solving.

 It has become an essential part of the technology industry. Research associated with artificial  intelligence is highly technical and specialized. The core problems of artificial intelligence include programming computers for  certain traits such as:

  1. Knowledge.
  2. Reasoning
  3. Problem solving
  4. Perception
  5. Learning
  6. Planning
  7. Ability to manipulate and move objects.

   Q2. Who are the founders of artificial intelligence?

   A2. The founders of artificial intelligence are as follows:

  1. Attendes  Allen Newell
  2. Herbert Simon
  3. John Mc Carthy
  4. Marbin Minoky
  5. Arthur Samuel

  These are the founders and specialists  of artificial intelligence of computer science in the late 19th century

   Facts about Artificial Intelligence

  This is the most recent and most daunting technological advance. So here are few interesting  and         important facts for you to get your head around:

1. Most AI is female:- Studies show that most people prefer the sound of a female voice to that of a male (think of Siri!). Also, most AI is worked on by straight men who are more attracted to the female voice.

2. AI pets exist:- These AI powered pets remove the downsides of having a pet e.g. have to clean up     after them. Few AI driven pets exist but they are thought to become widely available by 2025.

3. Much like humans, AI are not just temples of knowledge but they are able to socialise and simulate emotions:-  Kismet, a robot built in the late 1990’s can recognise emotions through human body      language and the tone of voice.

4. AI can repair itself:- There is a robot that rebuilt itself after noticing its performance had dropped after losing 2 of its 6 legs. The robot did not know what the problem was but fixed it by trial and error.

5. AI will become smarter than humans:- AI has the ability to learn, meaning its intelligence is increasing (in 2013 AI was about the same intelligence as a 4year old).  It is thought that by 2029 AI will have the same intelligence level as adult humans.

6. In the next decade, AI is thought to replace 16% of jobs:-  This is due to their increasing         intelligence, meaning they can be more helpful in working industries,than humans.

7. Humans can develop romantic relationships with AI:- A university student, David Levy, believes that by 2050 marriages between humans and robots will be made legal. At the moment robots are not advanced enough for this to be the case.

8. AI has the ability to write:- There has already been a robot who wrote an article on an earthquake in California on the Los Angeles Times Website which was brought together by the robot collecting data from a seismograph.

9. AI will likely lead to the end of human customer service:- 85% of customer interactions are thought to not require human customer service anymore, by the end of this decade.

10. And finally, It will be possible for customer digital assistants to recognise people by face and voice:- As early as by the end of 2018, it is thought that robotic assistants will be able to carry out facial recognition as well as voice recognition.